The Mangrove Tree Planting Program in conjunction with World Wetlands Day 2023 was held on 16 March 2023 at V19 Phase 1 KKIP, organized by
KKIP SABAH in collaboration with the
Jabatan Perlindungan Alam Sekitar Sabah,
Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society, and
Sabah Credit Corporation. Attending the program was the Director of the Environment Protection Department, Mr. Vitalis J. Moduying, Ms. Cecilia Amid, Group Senior Vice President of Development (K.K.I.P. Sdn. Bhd.), Mr. Peter Lee Pui Tet, Group Senior Vice President of Corporate Services (K.K.I.P. Sdn. Bhd.), Mr. Victor Monsibol, Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Operations), Sabah Credit Corporation.